New Geneva offers a well-rounded academic program for students from Kindergarten through 12th grade, plus individualized post-secondary classes.
Our elementary-level and high-school classes include Math, History, Science, Spelling, Writing, Grammar, Latin, Rhetoric, Physical Education, and more.
Our advanced specialized learning tracks are described below.
Our elementary-level and high-school classes include Math, History, Science, Spelling, Writing, Grammar, Latin, Rhetoric, Physical Education, and more.
Our advanced specialized learning tracks are described below.
New Geneva School — Music Certificate Track
Year One
Greek (4 terms) Biblical Worldview Colloquium (4 terms)
Classical Rhetoric Colloquium (4 terms)
Music Theory & History Colloquium (4 terms)
Orchestra/Choir (4 terms)
Private Lessons (4 terms)
Pedagogy (4 terms)
Year Two
Hebrew (4 terms) Classical Culture & History Colloquium (4 terms)
Natural History Colloquium
(4 terms) Music Theory & History Colloquium
(4 terms) Orchestra/Choir (4 terms)
Private Lessons (4 terms)
Pedagogy (4 terms)
Year Three
Latin (4 terms) Literature Discipline
(4 terms) Philosophy Discipline
(4 terms) Music Theory & History Colloquium
(4 terms) Orchestra/Choir (4 terms)
Private Lessons (4 terms)
Pedagogy Practicum (4 terms)
Year Four
Electives (9 one-term courses) Principia Theologiae Colloquium
(4 terms) Senior Recital (2 terms)
Orchestra/Choir (4 terms)
Private Lessons (4 terms)
Pedagogy Practicum (4 terms)
New Geneva School — Seminary Track
Year One
Greek (4 terms) Biblical Worldview Colloquium (4 terms)
Classical Rhetoric Colloquium (4 terms)
Church History Colloquium (4 terms)
Doctrine: Theology & Ethics (4 terms)
Exegetical Papers (4 terms)
Practical Theology: Personal life & Worship (4 terms)
Year Two
Hebrew (4 terms) Literature Discipline
(4 terms) Christian Couneling (4 one-term courses)
Classical Culture & History Colloquium
(4 Terms Doctrine: Apologetics
(4 terms) Exegetical Papers (4 terms)
Practical Theology: Evangelism & Missiology (4 terms)
Year Three
Latin (4 terms) Literature Discipline
(4 terms) Philosophy Discipline (4 terms)
Natural History Colloquium
(4 terms) Doctrine: Polity (4 terms)
Exegetical Papers (4 terms)
Practical Theology: Christian Education & the Family (4 terms)
Year Four
Electives (9 one-term courses) Principia Theologiae Colloquium (4 terms)
Thesis Defense (2 terms)
Pastoral Practicum
(4 terms) Sermon Practicum
(4 terms) Pastoral Care & Administration Practicum (4 terms)